Countries we deliver TO

We offer shipping to most countries worldwide.

Package Tracking

Orders shipped via Czech Post are delivered by Universal Postal Union partners with limited tracking.
Orders shipped by DHL or DPD are delivered by DHL or DPD with full tracking.
We do not have more information about package than is shown on the tracking page.


Shipping costs are calculated according to the current price list of Czech Post or DHL.
Shipping costs depend on the weight of your order and chosen delivery method.

Weight of package

The total weight of one package is limited to 20kg (44 pounds).
Orders heavier than 20kg in total may be split into multiple packages.

Package dispatch

Packages are mostly dispatched to your shipping address within 3 working days once we have received your payment.
Once the package is dispatched, we have no control over it.

Package delivery

Packages are mostly delivered within as many working days as specified for each delivery method in the shopping cart.

Delayed Package

If your package does not arrive more than 14 working days after the delivery period specified in the
shopping cart, please write us an email. We will claim undelivered package at our post office.
Please note, the post office has up to 90 days to answer this claim.

Refund for undelivered PACKAGE

Undelivered packages are refunded.
We send the refund for undelivered package as soon as we receive confirmation from post office that the package has been lost. 


Customize your shopping experience

By selecting a shipping country and currency, you'll have more accurate information about shipping rates and delivery time.